5.4.2010 | 01:28
Fréttir af jarðskjálftanum á ensku
Ég var að lesa á cnn.com um þennan stóra jarðskjálfta sem skók Mexíkó í kvöld. Hér kemur umfjöllun cnn.
"(CNN) -- A string of earthquakes and aftershocks rattled the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico on Sunday, including a magnitude 7.2 quake that could be felt across Baja California, Arizona and Southern California, the U.S. Geological Survey reported.
There were no immediate reports of injuries and only limited reports of damages from that quake, which struck northwestern Mexico's Baja California at 3:40 p.m. PT (6:40 p.m. ET) about 110 miles (175 kilometers) east-southeast of Tijuana, Mexico.
Residents across Southern California and Arizona reported serious ground shakes.
"We have not felt a shake like that since about 1979," Michelle Tapia told CNN from Brawley, California.

iReport.com: Pots clang in San Diego, California, home
Joe Madison was shopping at a Wal-Mart in Palm Springs, California, when he felt the earthquake.
"I felt the entire store move, and people went running for the exits," he said.
Madison said people gathered outside in the parking lot until the shaking stopped.
"We felt it for about 30 seconds. It was rolling," San Diego County sheriff's Lt. Scott Ybarrondo told CNN. "Nothing fell off the walls here, but we have reports of pictures falling off walls elsewhere in the county."
The largest Mexican city near the epicenter -- about 24 miles (55 kilometers) away -- is Guadelupe Victoria, with a population of about 14,800.
The quake was the largest in the Baja California area since 1992, the USGS reported.
iReport.com: Damage in a bookstore in Palm Desert, California
There have been three large aftershocks so far, including one that registered a 5.5 magnitude, and other smaller temblors, USGS said.
Lucy Jones, a seismologist at the California Institute of Technology, said the area could see a "triggered earthquake" of a magnitude around 6 in the next few days, according to CNN affiliate KTLA.
Chandeliers swung and water sloshed around in swimming pools in the Los Angeles suburbs, witnesses reported, while posters to Twitter reported feeling the quake in Phoenix, Arizona.
Capt. Steve Ruda, a spokesman for the Los Angeles city fire department, said there were isolated power outages and a few people reported trapped in elevators, but no injuries or structural damage were reported.
Nine minutes after the Mexico quake, a magnitude 4.1 quake rattled windows in Santa Rosa, north of San Francisco. No damage was reported there, and Susan Potter, a USGS geophysicist, told CNN that was a separate quake from the one that struck in the Baja California desert.
The USGS initially reported that the Baja California quake had a 6.9 magnitude. The USGS upgraded the quake about an hour later."
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Harður jarðskjálfti í Mexíkó |
Tilkynna um óviðeigandi tengingu við frétt |
Er kúlan að liðast í sundur eða leggjast saman,hverslags er þetta.Ég held þeir ættu að hætta við hraðalinn í Sviss sem á að gangsetja,ef ég man rétt einhvern tíma bráðum.
Helga Kristjánsdóttir, 5.4.2010 kl. 03:17
Er órótt líka, þegar maður hugsar um "kúluna litlu" og allan þennan skarkala og hristing undanfarna nokkra mánuði, er varla von að við "almenningur" fái smá hroll.
Helga minnist á þenna hraðal í Sviss, sem þeir eru búnir að grafa niður langt oní jörðunni og voru núna fyrir nokkrum dögum að ærast af fögnuðu yfir að hafa getað sprengt saman einhverjum öreindum á áður óþekktum hraða, ..... er ekki laust við að maður velti því fyrir sér hvort þeir séu að fremja "kúluspjöll" á litlu kúlunni okkar sem við köllum jörð.
Jenný Stefanía Jensdóttir, 5.4.2010 kl. 06:39
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.